Taste the Real.

Try to stay true to yourself

Never change to adapt to anyone else

Learning what you can do to put your smile on your face

You can be alone without feeling lonely

Loving yourself is always fun before you have time to love anyone else

Go into the light but stop before the clouds

Keep shining bright no matter whose around

God made everyone different

So why waste time fitting in and being limited



Live YOU

and most importantly

Love YOU!


Education is power

I mean that’s what they say

But it took me a little while to realize that train of thought is here to stay

Events in our world today, fighting for equality, dealing with police brutality

Being ignorance isn’t bliss

It’s a big miss

No one can take that education from you

What you learned in schools, on the streets, wherever is here to stay

Education is power and we will use it to fight to get our way



In terms of strength

Physical, mentally and emotionally

But stay standing tall


Not living up to the expectations from the generations before them

But still pushing forward

Strengthening your mind

Strengthening your heart

Keep going

Don’t give up


Feel feel to leave a comment, like and take the time to donate if you can and read my story Here

The Darkness in the Light

A tiny percent of gloom lingering

Deep within hidden away in fright

No one can see the darkness

you must always smile and look bright

But what if that darkness is your true self

Slowly disappearing without a chance to fight

For is it ok to not think of rainbows and unicorns all the time

Having all the positivity in the world

But does it count if negatively no longer exists there’s no way to know the difference

The darkness brings you closer to your lost ones

The darkness shows you things hard to see in the light

Instead of losing it all I rather appreciate all sides of life

Take the time to consider your darkness in your light


Scared to take risks

Worrying about other people thoughts of you

Not a good way to live

Always looking over your shoulder to see if someone heard something

Or if they notice imperfection

Why is that important to us?

Why should we care on others opinions?

Why aren’t our own good enough?

Letting embarrassment stop our victories

Causing us to give up without trying

Keep your head held high without feeling judged

People are going to watch whether you fail or pass

So might as well enjoy your life

Do it for you

Try it for your heart

Live it to your best

Be brave to take risks

And just remember to
