Lost Myself

Sometimes the death stops us from thriving

It stops us from spreading our wings

It stops us from giving fear a look in its eye and going forward

I wanted to disappear

Disappear away from the pupils watching my every move

They think you are fragile

Well, I am but don’t think that

Fragile like I break any second with mismatched pieces that cannot be fixed

I lost myself

But now I am on a journey to find peace

I do not want to lose myself any longer




All poems are owned and copywrited by me Kiki. Poetryinspace ©

Free me.

I close my eyes and all I see is the darkness that appeared around me

I open them and it’s still dark

How can I find my way out?

How can I break free from the chains instilled on me?

I hear a howl

I see nothing

I hear a scream

I see red

All this darkness around me is now filled with brown dirt

No one came to save me

Forever alone in this world


Emotionally Fed Up.

I’m tired of the thank yous for being there

But not getting any love in return

I’m tired of the sorrys

But coming around to do the same thing again

I refuse to let you take my stuff

I already given it up before

This time I know my worth

And it’s not going any where else

I’m tired of the no shows

The maybes and the oh nos

I just want someone down

But they can save all the extra stuff


I miss you


I want you


But I refuse to break first

I rather end a chapter before I open a book

Then open it and have you tear my pages out

But I miss you


I want you

Fear runs through my blood

The possibility of not seeking each other

Your hand failing to reach my own




I want you

I miss you


Button pop

Gas bubbled gut

Caused by the anxious feeling

Of leaving your comfort zone

Why can’t I stay where I am

With my box of chocolates

One hair out of place triggers me

Stay in the safety zone don’t try anything else

But the fun on the other side I want that

The happiness I want that

We screen for covid

But not for our overall mental health

Taste the Real.

Try to stay true to yourself

Never change to adapt to anyone else

Learning what you can do to put your smile on your face

You can be alone without feeling lonely

Loving yourself is always fun before you have time to love anyone else

Go into the light but stop before the clouds

Keep shining bright no matter whose around

God made everyone different

So why waste time fitting in and being limited



Live YOU

and most importantly

Love YOU!




Future leader of the world


Cotton Candy

Strawberry Cake

Breast cancer awareness ribbon

Pink is always linked to women

The underlying bias we have to work hard to get rid of

Though it does show the strength

But we are so much more

Than Pink.


Second part of my color poems! First post dedicated to the color ”Yellow” can be found HERE

Any feedback or picks on what color to do next let me know in a comment.

Thanks for reading and click this to donate for more work like this! All donations will be appreciated 🙂

Buy Me A Coffee


Education is power

I mean that’s what they say

But it took me a little while to realize that train of thought is here to stay

Events in our world today, fighting for equality, dealing with police brutality

Being ignorance isn’t bliss

It’s a big miss

No one can take that education from you

What you learned in schools, on the streets, wherever is here to stay

Education is power and we will use it to fight to get our way


I wanna eat the whole cake

Birthday blues without you

First one where you are in heaven for

Oh how I wish you were there to hear me brag about the upcoming moment

How important this day was for me but now it feels like nothing without you

Oh how I wish I saw you that morning

I wish I said I love you one more final time

How can I talk about my birthday

How can I enjoy my birthday

Birthday blues without you

Your birthday is exactly three months from mine

Same day buddies I miss your shine grandma

I love you very much

Here’s to a birthday without you here physically

But forever in my heart